Meshing is a critical, but user-intensive process necessary for stable and accurate simulations in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Mesh generation is often a bottleneck in CFD pipelines. Adaptive meshing techniques allow the mesh to be updated automatically to produce an accurate solution for the problem at hand. Existing classical techniques for adaptive meshing require either additional functionality out of solvers, many training simulations, or both. Current machine learning techniques often require substantial computational cost for training data generation, and are restricted in scope to the training data flow regime. MeshDQN is developed as a general purpose deep reinforcement learning framework to iteratively coarsen meshes while preserving target property calculation. A graph neural network based deep Q network is used to select mesh vertices for removal and solution interpolation is used to bypass expensive simulations at each step in the improvement process. MeshDQN requires a single simulation prior to mesh coarsening, while making no assumptions about flow regime, mesh type, or solver, only requiring the ability to modify meshes directly in a CFD pipeline. MeshDQN successfully improves meshes for two 2D airfoils.
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Ionic Liquids (ILs) provide a promising solution for CO$_2$ capture and storage to mitigate global warming. However, identifying and designing the high-capacity IL from the giant chemical space requires expensive, and exhaustive simulations and experiments. Machine learning (ML) can accelerate the process of searching for desirable ionic molecules through accurate and efficient property predictions in a data-driven manner. But existing descriptors and ML models for the ionic molecule suffer from the inefficient adaptation of molecular graph structure. Besides, few works have investigated the explainability of ML models to help understand the learned features that can guide the design of efficient ionic molecules. In this work, we develop both fingerprint-based ML models and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to predict the CO$_2$ absorption in ILs. Fingerprint works on graph structure at the feature extraction stage, while GNNs directly handle molecule structure in both the feature extraction and model prediction stage. We show that our method outperforms previous ML models by reaching a high accuracy (MAE of 0.0137, $R^2$ of 0.9884). Furthermore, we take the advantage of GNNs feature representation and develop a substructure-based explanation method that provides insight into how each chemical fragments within IL molecules contribute to the CO$_2$ absorption prediction of ML models. We also show that our explanation result agrees with some ground truth from the theoretical reaction mechanism of CO$_2$ absorption in ILs, which can advise on the design of novel and efficient functional ILs in the future.
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事实证明,在强化学习中使用人类示范可以显着提高剂性能。但是,任何要求人手动“教”该模型的要求与强化学习的目标有些相反。本文试图通过使用通过简单使用的虚拟现实模拟收集的单个人类示例来帮助进行RL培训,以最大程度地减少人类参与学习过程的参与,同时仍保留了绩效优势。我们的方法增加了一次演示,以产生许多类似人类的演示,与深层确定性的政策梯度和事后的经验重播(DDPG + HER)相结合时,可以显着改善对简单任务的训练时间,并允许代理商解决复杂的任务(Block Block堆叠)DDPG +她一个人无法解决。该模型使用单个人类示例实现了这一重要的训练优势,需要少于一分钟的人类输入。
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在探索中,由于当前的低效率而引起的强化学习领域,具有较大动作空间的学习控制政策是一个具有挑战性的问题。在这项工作中,我们介绍了深入的强化学习(DRL)算法呼叫多动作网络(MAN)学习,以应对大型离散动作空间的挑战。我们建议将动作空间分为两个组件,从而为每个子行动创建一个值神经网络。然后,人使用时间差异学习来同步训练网络,这比训练直接动作输出的单个网络要简单。为了评估所提出的方法,我们在块堆叠任务上测试了人,然后扩展了人类从Atari Arcade学习环境中使用18个动作空间的12个游戏。我们的结果表明,人的学习速度比深Q学习和双重Q学习更快,这意味着我们的方法比当前可用于大型动作空间的方法更好地执行同步时间差异算法。
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对聚合物性质的准确预测在聚合物的开发和设计中具有重要意义。通常,需要进行昂贵且耗时的实验或模拟来评估聚合物的功能。最近,配备了注意力机制的变压器模型在各种自然语言处理任务中表现出卓越的性能。但是,这种方法尚未在聚合物科学中进行研究。在此,我们报告了TransPolymer,这是一种基于变压器的语言模型,用于聚合物属性预测。由于我们提出的具有化学意识的聚合物令牌,转染剂可以直接从聚合物序列中学习表示。该模型通过在大型未标记数据集上进行预处理,从而学习表达性表示,然后在下游数据集上进行有关各种聚合物属性的模型。转聚合物在所有八个数据集中都能达到卓越的性能,并且在大多数下游任务上都显着超过其他基线。此外,预处理的转聚合物对监督转聚合物和其他语言模型的改善增强了对代表学习中大型未标记数据预处理的显着好处。实验结果进一步证明了注意机制在理解聚合物序列中的重要作用。我们强调该模型是一种有前途的计算工具,用于促进数据科学视图中的结构 - 质谱关系。
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在过去的十年中,基于粉末的添加剂制造业改变了制造业。在激光粉床的融合中,特定部分以迭代方式建造,其中通过融化并融合粉末床的合适区域,在彼此之间形成二维横截面。在此过程中,熔体池及其热场的行为在预测制成部分的质量及其可能的缺陷方面具有非常重要的作用。但是,这种复杂现象的模拟通常非常耗时,需要大量的计算资源。 Flow-3D是能够使用迭代数值求解器执行此类仿真的软件包之一。在这项工作中,我们使用Flow-3D创建了三个单程过程的数据集,并使用它们来训练卷积神经网络,能够仅通过将三个参数作为输入来预测熔体池的三维热场的行为:激光功率,激光速度和时间步长。 CNN在预测熔体池面积的情况下,温度场的相对根平方误差为2%至3%,平均相交的联合分数为80%至90%。此外,由于将时间作为模型的输入之一包括在内,因此可以在任何任意时间步中立即获得热场,而无需迭代并计算所有步骤
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分子动力学(MD)仿真是一种强大的工具,用于了解物质的动态和结构。由于MD的分辨率是原子尺度,因此实现了使用飞秒集成的长时间模拟非常昂贵。在每个MD步骤中,执行许多可以学习和避免的冗余计算。这些冗余计算可以由像图形神经网络(GNN)的深度学习模型代替和建模。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个GNN加速分子动力学(GAMD)模型,实现了快速准确的力预测,并产生与经典MD模拟一致的轨迹。我们的研究结果表明,Gamd可以准确地预测两个典型的分子系统,Lennard-Jones(LJ)颗粒和水(LJ +静电)的动态。 GAMD的学习和推理是不可知论的,它可以在测试时间缩放到更大的系统。我们还进行了一项全面的基准测试,将GAMD的实施与生产级MD软件进行了比较,我们展示了GAMD在大规模模拟上对它们具有竞争力。
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With the advent of Neural Style Transfer (NST), stylizing an image has become quite popular. A convenient way for extending stylization techniques to videos is by applying them on a per-frame basis. However, such per-frame application usually lacks temporal-consistency expressed by undesirable flickering artifacts. Most of the existing approaches for enforcing temporal-consistency suffers from one or more of the following drawbacks. They (1) are only suitable for a limited range of stylization techniques, (2) can only be applied in an offline fashion requiring the complete video as input, (3) cannot provide consistency for the task of stylization, or (4) do not provide interactive consistency-control. Note that existing consistent video-filtering approaches aim to completely remove flickering artifacts and thus do not respect any specific consistency-control aspect. For stylization tasks, however, consistency-control is an essential requirement where a certain amount of flickering can add to the artistic look and feel. Moreover, making this control interactive is paramount from a usability perspective. To achieve the above requirements, we propose an approach that can stylize video streams while providing interactive consistency-control. Apart from stylization, our approach also supports various other image processing filters. For achieving interactive performance, we develop a lite optical-flow network that operates at 80 Frames per second (FPS) on desktop systems with sufficient accuracy. We show that the final consistent video-output using our flow network is comparable to that being obtained using state-of-the-art optical-flow network. Further, we employ an adaptive combination of local and global consistent features and enable interactive selection between the two. By objective and subjective evaluation, we show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.
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